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Helping you feel, heal and reveal your most authentic self.

Hi there! I am Lauren, a Wellness & Lifestyle Mentor.

As a trained birth and postpartum doula, period educator, mindfulness/meditation teacher, yoga teacher, professional organizer and reiki practitioner, my main mission is to help women disconnect from the chaotic structures of life and get back to the places of peace and power both within and around themselves.

Let’s walk this path together!


About what I do-

As a Wellness & Lifestyle Mentor my number one goal is to help you structure your life in a way that allows you to come back to your HUMAN//NATURE. I also help you to show up daily in ways that allow you to live in better alignment with your own values at the center. With a strong focus on mindfulness, movement, self-care, nutrition and relationships with the natural cycles around you we take a deep dive into the story of your life and understanding how you got to now. Through mindfulness practices and personalized daily rhythms, I help you create a sustainable lifestyle that allows space for introspective thought and reflection, personal growth, community cultivation skills and a healthful life filled with expressive and creative embodiment.

I work with women wanting to gain better control of their lives through presence, intentional living and personal life reflection. I cater to your needs through menstrual health, seasonal living patters and a focus on sustainable nutrition practices. I am ready to walk with you on the path to motherhood, the path of motherhood and beyond.

The offerings below are for 1:1 time. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding rates for workshops, group and corporate events.


  • Yoga Privates (Group &1:1)

  • Home & Life Organization Overhaul

  • 1:1 Wellness & Lifestyle Mentoring

  • 1X Daily Rhythm Cultivation Package

  • Period Tracking and Attunement Package

  • Preconception Nutrition & Lifestyle Package

Keep In Touch

Want to work with me? Email me and let’s get you booked!

Space is limited.



Working with Lauren changed the way I saw my body and my time. So many deep portals of self forgiveness and understanding occurred through my 1:1 sessions. With real life practices to keep me on track I am still living my best life.
— Mother of two
What a wonderful and undeniable effect you have had on this world. You’ll never realize how many lives you have changed with your unwavering love. You have shaken people out of their comfort zones and put magic into the world that couldn’t compare to anyone else i’ve ever met. I would not be the same person I am today without you. That statement is true for so many people. You are radiance, you are strength, you are light. Working with you changed my life. Keep changing the world.
— Rachel
You are truly an inspiration. Every time we meet I get more of a glimpse of who Lauren is. Constantly I see more and more beauty. Thanks for sharing your work! You have already been the best stepping stone on helping me make the necessary changes to enjoy my reality and motherhood. Forever grateful for you, your work and your existence. Hugs.
— Kali B.
The attentiveness and care Lauren holds during her yoga classes and privates is unmatched to any experience I have had thus far. As someone who is newer to yoga I appreciate leaving her classes feeling closer to nature, closer to myself and overall more at ease than I did when I walked in. I can’t wait for my next class with her.
— Yoga student and mentee